Sodid Svid’s first production was the critically lauded Mizzle Rock which proved a hit with Icelandic audiences in 2011-2012. The company took its first overseas production, award-winning Icelandic/Scottish collaboration Breaker  to the Adelaide Fringe 2013 and subsequently enjoyed a successful run at the Edinburgh Fringe. The company’s acclaimed new children’s play, The Elusive Portal, opened in Reykjavík in September 2013 to rave reviews. Exravaganca open in Reykjavík city theater 2016 and RSVP at Reykjavíks Arts festival 2022.

About Soðið sviðs latest production RSVP: A delivery from an unknown person turns out to mark the first step onto a trail that will take us through the story of a disappearance in Copenhagen, an orphan sent to Reykjavík to work in 1931, a staff party at Sölvhólsgata at the end of WWII and a horrific accident at sea.

This story is told through the contents of seven envelopes while listening to the audio that accompanies each delivery. In envelopes brought to the participants’ doorsteps they will find old letters, police reports, maps and photographs that together tell a fascinating and mysterious story. Events that originally seem unconnected take on new meaning as participants read and hear more. Past and present interwine in unexpected ways in a narrative spanning a century. RSVP is an unusual and entertaining journey for curious people.

RSVP/Framhald í næsta bréfi Listahátíð í Reykjavík 2022.

Mizzle Rock/Súldarsker Tjarnarbíói 2011,

The Elusive Portal/Hættuför í Huliðsdal Þjóðleikhús 2013.

Extravaganca Borgarleikhúsinu 2016

Sodid Svid Theatre Company was founded in Iceland in 2009 by Adalbjorg Arnadottir and Salka Gudmundsdottir, with the aim of making imaginative, dynamic theatre with an emphasis on original playwriting .


Þoka /Mjorki

